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How to achieve your dreams

Life is a struggle with lots of uncertainty and chaos. when you are in the struggle, its tough to see a clear path to success, its crucial to let your vision guide you and not your current circumstances. you must embrace those challenges, because thats where your hunger for better life is developed. nobody wants to be broke or struggle but its part of the process. success is often nothing more than moving from one failure to the next with undiminished enthusiasm.

failure+perseverance=success. failure is an event, not a person or a way of life. There will be real obstacles and mistakes you encounter along the way. Albert Einstein stated ''anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new''

Defining your destination by vision

its easy to make decision once you determine what your goals are, reflecting back on my lowest points of my life I have realized that I didn't take responsibility for anything. i was playing the victim role, I was blaming the economy, the government, my job, lack of resources and geographical location. I soon realized that my focus was not clear and what I wanted to change was myself. Remember nothing changes until you make it change, never expect a different result if you keep on doing the same thing. The moment I got clear on that my life shifted from complexity to simplicity.

Clarity is the ultimate power and if want results, you get 100 percent clear on what you want. only when you take full responsibility for your current reality can you change it. Minimalism is great way of running a business, and great way to run your life. Get rid of the messes and noise in your head in your head and figure out who you are, what you want and what you must give up to get there.

The mental trick can help you bust through obstacles on the way to your goal

Worry, fear and insecurities will destroy you, while faith and confidence in God will take you to a level very few attain (Proverbs 5v5-6). An interesting thing happens when you start to gain clarity, your confidence follows. If you don't have confidence, you will always you find a way to loose. you must always realize that the moment you go after you biggest goal, obstacles show up , the bigger the goals, the challenges, new levels new devils. Obstacles are there to taste your character and faith, and see it you are serious about achieving your goals. When you get clear on your next action to be taken, your motivation and energy elevates.

Shifting your circle of influence

There comes a point in life when you realize who really matters, who never did and who always will. Once you get clear of who you are and what you want, you must re-evaluate your circle of influence. Who you associate with, what you spend much of your time reading or watching is who you become. It is extremely important to have a mentor or role model, a mentor or role model will raise your standards. finding a mentor or role model will spark your mind because they are playing the game at a higher level than you are.

  • if you hang around five confident people, you will be the sixth

  • if you hang around five intelligent people, you will be the sixth

  • if you hang around five millionaires, you will be the sixth

  • if you hang around five idiots, you will be the sixth

  • if you hang around five broke people, you will be the sixth

Its inevitable(Peter Voogd, Contributor. Leading Authority for young Entrepreneurs)

Such simple concept, but what difference it makes on your performance and business. There is no shortcut to success, challenge yourself to find a mentor or those people who have a track record of success. In life you will become a lot like the you spend most of your life with. Their belief system, their way of being and their attitudes are contagious. Once you elevate you peer group, your standards will follow.

Crafting your ideal result habits

The amount stress in your life is in direct correlation to the lack of habits you have in place. without the right rituals and habits, your long term growth will be stunted. Organize your life and schedule around your priorities and tackle them in order of importance. The greatest wisdom of all time is in astutely choosing what to do with your time. Say ''no'' more than you say ''yes''. Don't be a slave your phone, avoid time wasters and distractions. Design everything around your lifestyle you want, not for the convenience of other people.

There has never been a better time in the history of our economy to create your ideal life. Whether you are in the midst struggle or thriving, I encourage you to continue challenging yourself. When you make definite decision on what kind of person you will be, on an everyday basis, you start to gain control of your financial destiny. If you choose to choose growth in the moment, and show up better than you were yesterday, you will astound yourself at what you can accomplish. Problems and obstacles will alway be there but remember and I quote ''the moment I see a problem I immediately begin to think about opportunities that can be created by trying solving it (Strive Masiyiwa, Founder and executive chairman of Econet Group)

''remember, that all who succeed in life get off to a bad start and pass through many heartbreaking struggles before they arrive. The turning point in the lives of those who succeed usually comes at the moment of some crisis through which they are introduced to their ''other selves'' (Napoleon Hill, Think and grow rich)

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