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Strategies for a fulfilled life

A Strategy is a method by which you want to arrive at your goal. If you want to arrive at fulfillment you have to have a design, or blueprint, of how you will arrive there. If you don't you will be like those people who go with the flow and eventually find themselves caught in the web of challenges of life, unable to move forward. Your life is too important to leave things to chance.

So what are the strategies? what are the steps you must take?

Correct Image

Firstly, you must have a correct image of yourself and see yourself the way God sees you.

  1. Stop making excuses

  2. Have the right association

  3. Declare what the word of God says, not what the circumstances dictate

''circumstances does not make a man, it reveal him to himself'' (James Allen)


When you look on your life is there anything to be grateful for? gratefulness bring forth greater happiness. Show gratitude to those important relationships you have benefited from over the years. ''You should never forget who helped you move up the ladder, you always need them in life'' (Rabison Shumba, the greatness manual)

Some people are never satisfied, they always want more. Such people never stop to show gratitude for what they have now, or stop enjoying the benefits of what they have. If you want to keep records of wrongs done to you, there will be so much. Rather keep a gratitude journal and be grateful for all what God has done for you. Remember the things that you for granted may be the very thing another is fasting and praying for. Gratitude is the attitude that changes your life.

Plan and perform acts of Kindness

Success in all areas of our lives must be motivated by the desire to touch other people through compassion. Put a smile on someone's face, find a need and satisfy it. The thief ''says'' what is yours is mine I will take it, the selfish man ''says'' what is mine is mine I will keep it to myself and kind man '''says'' what is mine is a gift from God, I will share it to meet the need of others. Kindness reveal the mind of Christ in a believer. God reflects his kindness through us and toward us. He wants us to express his love towards others. Matthew 5:45 shows us God's kindness it does not discriminate, or treat people as enemies: ''that ye may be the children of your father which is in heaven: for he make his sun to rise on the evil and the good and send rain on the just and on the unjust''

Showing kindness breaks down barriers and boundaries, it opens doors to the fullness of God's love and make you a channel of blessing to others. You need to sow kindness in the journey of life because what you sow is what you reap. Your life is not just about you its also about your children, grandchildren and so on. Every seed you sow, I believe someone will sow it back into the lives of my children and bless them.


If you are going with your life you must forgive. You must develop the virtue of forgiveness, no matter what people has done to you. Forgiveness is not forgetting, it is not minimizing wrong done to you, or belittling the pain you experienced, it is not finding excuses for the wrong or what was done to you.

Forgiveness changes your status from victim to victor. A person may indeed know they have hurt you and may even enjoy the pain they are causing, but you can change the status by forgiving them. When you forgive you are no longer powerless, instead you are declaring ''your action will not dictate my response or whom I am, I am bigger than your intentions, your attitude and what you have done'' You have in effect taken power from the people who wronged you

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